o que é estoicismo - Uma visão geral
, provides us with some glimpses of the disagreement between Stoics and Aristotelians, by way of his imaginary dialogue with Cato the Younger. At [41] he writes: “Carneades never ceased to contend that on the whole so-called ‘problem of good and evil,’ there was no disagreement as to facts between the Stoics and the Peripatetics, but only as to terms. For my part, however, nothing seems to me more manifest than that there is more of a real than a verbal difference of opinion between those philosophers on these points.
Lo qual me gusta por epicuro es su gia practica para alcanzar la felicidad en no preocuparte ni tener miedos para alcanzarla basado en el desarraigo de los deseos y tus miedos
Apoproēgmena = dispreferred indifferents, externals, outside of virtue that—other things being equal—should be avoided.
However, Stoic ethics actually attempts to strike a balance between the asceticism of the Cynics and the somewhat elitist views of the Peripatetics. It does so through the introduction of the wholly (controversial) Stoic concept of preferred and dispreferred “indifferents†briefly mentioned at the beginning.
The Stoics had an exercise called Turning the Obstacle Upside Down. What they meant to do was make it impossible to not practice the art of philosophy. Because if you can properly turn a problem upside down, every “bad†becomes a new source of good.
It is tempting to see this as in the same ballpark of modern quantum mechanical theories that see the entire universe as constituted of a single “wave function†(Ladyman and Ross 2009), but of course this would be an anachronistic interpretation.
by Cornutus is one of a handful of complete Stoic treatises to survive from any period of the history of the school. Still, it is certainly the case that the best known Stoics of the time were either teachers like Musonius Rufus and Epictetus, or politically active, like Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, thus shaping our understanding of the period as a contrast to the foundational and more theoretical one of Zeno and Chrysippus.
Stoicism was originally known as ‘Zenonism’, after the founder Zeno of Citium. However this name was soon dropped, likely because the Stoics did not consider their founders to be perfectly wise, and to avoid the risk of the philosophy becoming a cult of personality.[5]
within your control. By internalizing your goals you can therefore make good sense of even the original Epictetean dichotomy. As for the outcome, it should be accepted with equanimity.
) comprising ethics, physics and logic. The ethics was basically a moderate version estoicismo of Cynicism; the physics was influenced by Plato’s Timaeus
Clearly it is not a long step from this to the 'Holy Spirit' of Christian theology, the 'Lord and Giver of life', visibly manifested as tongues of fire at Pentecost and ever since associated—in the Christian as in the Stoic mind—with the ideas of vital fire and beneficient warmth.[43]
It had three principal leaders. Marcus Aurelius, the emperor of the Roman Empire, the most powerful man on earth, sat down each day to write himself notes about restraint, compassion and humility.
If everything is ephemeral, what does matter? Right now matters. Being a good person and doing the right thing right now, that’s what matters and that’s what was important to the Stoics.
But the active enthusiasm of a real religion—the effective desire to be in right relation with the Power—was strange to Stoicism.
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